BootStrap Css Properties and Default Values

BootStrap Style Properties

When we link the BootStrap library to our pages, the css properties set in it will be applied to many html elements. While we can use these features as they are, we can make changes to some of them.

We can specify different properties for the labels or classes we want in our own style file and pages .

However, sometimes BootStrap values ​​may be valid even though we assign different values. In such cases! We can try using the important token.

For example bootstrap default text size is 14px. This feature has been applied to both the p and body tags. However, we ourselves can change this value by typing a style for these tags.

Header tags are: h1 36px , h2 30px , h3 24px, h4 18px, h5 14px, h6 12px by default.

using bootstrap classes, bootstrap css properties, bootstrap css default values, changing bootstrap default values, changing bootstrap styles


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