What is C# Console?

What is Console?

When creating a new project with Visual Studio, we are presented with options such as "Windows Forms Application" and "Console Application". What is the difference between these?

Windows Forms Application, that is, Windows Applications, is a programming language that has become widespread today and offers programmer ready objects (textBox, comboBox, RadioButton...) and has a graphical interface.

Console, on the other hand, has a non-graphical user interface. Receiving and displaying information from the user takes place on a black screen. Ready-made objects that we can use in Visual C# or Visual VB languages ​​are not available in Console Applications. The programmer himself can create structures similar to these objects by writing code, but this is not something everyone can do.

Today, Windows applications are more widely used. Console applications can be used as an introduction to programming in some schools.

Should We Prefer Console or Windows App?

Visual and object-oriented programming language is highly sophisticated today, it continues still under development . Programmers who are accustomed to old-style programming languages ​​may find it difficult to get used to new software technologies or to quit their old habits.

The opinion of leading institutions and people in programming, including Microsoft, is this:
Those who have no programming knowledge before can learn object-oriented languages ​​more easily than those who are accustomed to old-style programming. Basing this idea on their surveys and research, Microsoft uses Object Oriented Languages ​​in its trainings.

What You Need to Develop a Console App

We can use Visual Studio to write both Console and Windows applications. The free (Express) versions of the Visual Studio program will also work for almost all of us.

What is C# console, what is the difference between windows application and console, what is the difference between windows forms application and console application


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