How Computers Work

Basic Information About Computer Operation

Hardware: We can say that all physical parts of the computer are hardware elements. Example: Keyboard, monitor, hard disk, processor, flash disk, case, speaker...

Software: Programs that teach electronic devices how to do a certain job. For example, in order for a computer to play music files, the computer must be taught how to do this.

The general name of the programs consisting of commands and telling the computer or other electronic devices how to do a certain task is software.

Even if all parts of the computer are intact, if the necessary programs are not installed, we cannot perform operations with that computer. For example, we cannot run music files on the computer without a music listening program. 

Examples of software: word, excel, powerpoint, paint, photoshop, media player, flash player, chrome, firefox, internet explorer, yandex, notepad, games...

Input Units: They are hardware elements that allow us to give commands to the computer. Example: keyboard, mouse, microphone, camera, scanner etc...

Output Units: They are the hardware that enables the results of the operations performed on the computer to be displayed to the user. Example: monitor, printer, speaker, projector...

Binary System: Data is transmitted and stored as 0s and 1s in the computer. Each of these 0's and 1's is called a "bit".
While the data is being sent to a place as signals, the voltage of the incoming signal is checked. It is accepted as 1 if voltage is present, 0 otherwise.

In order for the computer to understand and process information, it must be converted to a binary system. For example, when a letter is pressed on the keyboard, a code consisting of 0s and 1s for that letter is sent to the computer. In this way, the incoming information can be understood by the computer.

The space occupied by the data stored in the computer's memory is also measured in bits. Of course, since a lot of data is stored, it is necessary to use upper units. The following units are used to measure the computer's memory and data footprint.

8 bit = 1 Byte

1024 Bytes = 1 KiloByte (KB)

1024 KB = 1 MegaByte (MB)

1024 MB = 1 GigaByte (GB)

1024GB = 1 TerraByte (TB)


why computer understands only 0 and 1, what is hardware, what is software, how does a computer work, how do computers work, developing software, bit, byte,


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