Introduction to programming with Visual C#
When the Visual Studio program is run, we first see the "Start Page". From here we can create a new project or reopen an existing project.
Visual Studio Interface
Toolbox: Objects that we can use to place on the form are located here. We can hold the desired object and place it on the form by dragging it.
Solution Explorer: All files included in our project are listed here. For example, we can access the form part or the code part of our project from here.
Properties Panel: Whichever of the objects on the form is selected, the properties of that object are listed here. For example, many properties such as the name, width, color of a text box can be adjusted here.
Creating a New Project
To develop a desktop application in Visual Studio 2019, the process of opening a new project is done as follows:
Click the "Create a New Project" button on the Start Page.
In the window that comes up, the language we will use is selected from the upper right part. (We will use Visual C# language)
Next to it, select the Windows option.
Desktop option is selected from the third list.
Select "Windows Forms Application (Net Framework)" from the list at the bottom.
Click the Next button.
On the next page, the name of our project and where it will be saved are determined.
Click the Create button.
All files belonging to our project will be created in the folder we specified. If we want to move our project to another location, we need to move this folder.
visual c# programming introduction, creating a visual studio project, what is solution explorer, what is toolbox properties, how to use visual studio, creating a new project in visual studio
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