Applying Different Styles to HTML Elements Based on Parameter Values

Applying Different Styles to HTML Elements Based on Parameter Values

We can determine the styles to be applied to the html tags according to their parameters.

tagName [parameterName] { … }

With a usage like above, we can apply a style to the tags that have the specified parameter.

For example, let's apply a border to images that have a title parameter.

img[title] {

    border: 2px solid blue;}

Checking the value of the parameter, we only want to apply the style to the labels having a certain value;

tagName[parameterName = value] { … }

we can use as. Sample:

input[type="text"] {

    background-color: gray;}

img[title="Landscape"] {

    border: 2px solid green;}

a[target="_blank"] {

    text-decoration: underline;}

If the tag name is not specified, it is applied to all tags that have that parameter.

[title="Landscape"] {

    border: 2px solid green;}


We can narrow or widen the scope by using different operators instead of equals.


Parameter values specified in the statements ultimately i allows the tag to apply the style to all.

In the example below, the style is applied to all tags that contain "alt" in the class parameter.

[class*="alt"] {

Border-bottom: 2px solid gray; }

~= operator

Makes the specified value apply to tags you pass, separated by spaces.

img[alt ~= "nature"] { … }

In the example above, a style will be applied to images with the word "nature" in their alt parameter. But this word must be whole. For example, does not apply to alt="natures"  tags, while alt="wonderful nature" applies to tags.

The |= operator

When using this operator, the parameter must begin with the specified expression and the word must be exactly the same or followed by a hyphen (-) .

For example, the style below will apply to tags to which have “left, top-left, bottom-left”  classes. However, names like “leftTop” or “topleft” will not be valid.

[class|="left"] {

Border-left: 2px solid gray; }

^= Operator

The parameter value ensures that it is valid for all tags that begin with the specified expression.

[class^="left"] {

Border-left: 2px solid gray; }

The style in this example will apply to all tags to which have classes with the name “left, left-top, left-bottom, leftTop, leftbottom” etc. 

$= operator

The parameter value ensures that it is valid for all tags that end with the specified expression.

[class$="alt"] {

Border-bottom: 2px solid gray; }


Applying Style Differently Based on Parameter Values, style only tags with parameters, style by parameter


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