Multiple Background Images Using CSS3
As you can see here, we can apply multiple background images to html elements thanks to CSS3.
A pattern image and a cute image are used in the background of this div element.
As shown below;
All images to be used are indicated by placing a comma between them.
The leftmost, that is, the first written image will appear at the bottom.
The position of each picture and how it repeats can be determined separately.
#box1 {
background-image: url(image1.jpg), url(image2.jpg);
background-position: right bottom, left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;
This example can also be abbreviated as:
#box1 {
background: url(Image1.jpg) right bottom no-repeat, url(Image2.jpg) left top repeat;
multiple images in background, use multiple background images, make multiple images as background, using multiple background images css
Using multiple background image in the web page
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